A Location's Primary Contacts are the contacts who will automatically be signed up for notifications and reports generated for that Location. The following article will help you to know how to change which contact is used for a location.

np_lightbulb_1247022_000000.png Note: Although the Primary Contacts are added by default to new Alerts or Reports, you can always change these during Alert or Report creation (or by editing existing items).

np_lightbulb_1247022_000000.png Disambiguation note!The Primary Contact is not to be confused with the Admin owner for a location, which  refers to the owner of the location - this is the person who setup the Location under their own account and has full permissions to modify everything for the location.


  1. Open the Companies & Locations screen.

    np_lightbulb_1247022_000000.png  Note: On the mobile app, this is located in the screen shown if you slide in from the left side of the screen.

  2. Locate the Company or Location for which you want to modify the primary contact, then click on the Edit button.
  3. Under the Primary Contact field, select the existing contact that you'd prefer be the primary. Note that you can have multiple Primary Contacts if you wish.

    np_right_610363_000000.png Don't forget to Save your changes!

After modifying the Primary Contact, those contacts will then be added to the Recipients list when you do things like create a new Alert or Report.
